Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Sharing Technology Skills with Families

Franklin students showed off their technology skills to families at recent Open House nights. They demonstrated how their laptops and ipads are used in class daily routines. Special projects were also shared: poetry projects using the Green Screen app, animal reports using Shadow Puppet, Google Classroom, RAZ kids, and Biblionasium.

Fourth graders showed their families how to respond to a discussion question on Google Classroom.

Students demonstrated web tools they use for math.

2nd graders helped their parents scan QR codes to watch video projects. They used Seesaw, ChatterPix and Shadow Puppet apps to create and share their work.

Friday, March 11, 2016

The DNA of App Smashing

Science teacher Mark Camenisch's students have been doing some "app smashing," the process of using multiple technology tools to create projects or complete tasks. The BHS biology students combined a number of different tech. tools, including Prezi, Thinglink, and Tackk, into one engaging display to show what they know about DNA. You can read more about app smashing here.

In the example below, students used Prezi to create a timeline of important historical events in the study of DNA. Then they used Thinglink to construct an interactive model of a DNA molecule. The students then embedded both the Prezi and the Thinglink onto a webpage using Tackk where they could add more important information to highlight their knowledge of DNA.

Many BHS teachers have harnessed the power of individual technology tools to let students' creativity shine. Mr. Camenisch's students show what happens when those powers combine, and the results are pretty amazing!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Crafting Their Writing

The common core writing standards require students to convey information and ideas clearly in explanatory and informative writing. Technology Literacy standards require students to use digital tools to communicate information. These 3rd graders were doing those things while having fun sharing their favorite craft with friends in other classes. 

These third graders picked a favorite craft project in order to teach their friends how to make it. Students used critical thinking skills as they broke down the process and analyzed the steps to communicate them. They used google docs to help  by typing the instructions for making the craft projects and selecting key parts to photograph.  Using the built in camera, they took pictures and inserted them into the document to provide visual cues and support for their audience.