Friday, December 10, 2021

Coding Warehouse Robots

 Third graders at Franklin got to learn about automation at a grocery warehouse during Computer Science Week. Our special guest was Fred Greiner from Fareway. Mr. Greiner explained how grocery items get to the warehouse from the factory, are stored in the warehouse, then are retrieved for orders sent to the Fareway grocery stores. 

Computer science is used in many ways in the grocery industry. Students learned how automation can make work more efficient.

Students used what they know about coding to have a Botley robot navigate a warehouse map. Students had to create the code for the Botley to stop at given locations of their warehouse. 

Then cases of grocery items could be added to the pallet to complete a grocery order. It was a fun way to connect their coding skills to an authentic use of computer science. 

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Building Circuits and Switches


Electrician Jordan Clark from Enterprise Electric was our special guest during Computer Science Week. He met with 4th grade classes and shared about the job of an electrician. 

Next, students practiced designing simple circuits, and then building switches out of ordinary materials to run their circuits. 

Mr. Clark also showed many complex types of switches: such as switches with temperature, light, or motion sensors. Our students love learning about STEM careers!  This will help build background for future learning in computer science.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Coding School Bus Routes

Following a unit in Social Studies about communities, second grade students recently extended their learning during Computer Science Week. 

Mike Kennedy came to talk about his job as transportation director of our district. He shared some of the habits and skills needed to plan efficient bus routes. Then students put their knowledge of maps of our community to use.  They used computer science skills and computational thinking to plan and code robotic "buses" along the most efficient route between schools. 

Students enjoyed coding the Beebot buses to travel between the school buildings on their "map". They practiced collaborating effectively with different roles: navigator, driver and debugger.


Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Future Leaders of the Community

During their study of communities in social studies, 2nd grade classes are learning how people in a community work together to make decisions on local issues. They are discovering that individuals can take action to address local issues. After learning about the many unique attractions, businesses and events in the area, they brainstormed to determine something that Boone needs. 

Next, they planned a design on paper, and built a cardboard prototype of their proposed building. 

Students also used democratic procedures to discuss possible locations for their vision. This involved using map skills and considering pros and cons. To complete the vision for their idea, they assisted in taking green screen photos which were added to a virtual background of their preferred location. 

These creative 2nd graders are future leaders of the community! 

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

What Can You Build?

Developing flexible thinking and creative problem solving is an essential part of STEM learning at Franklin. Students used individual STEM bins to explore and create.

Next they discussed how engineers work. Engineers design and build with a goal in mind and a number of constraints.- materials, budget costs, and time.
Students traded bins and were given a new challenge. The materials available proved to be a challenge for some! 

During different challenges, students were tasked with building the tallest structure, the strongest structure, and a structure that would keep its shape when carried to a new location. 

The difficulty of each challenge changed depending on the bin they were using at the time!

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Designing a Robotic Device


Elementary students at Franklin have been learning about computer science during Library STEM time and Technology Time. This is in conjunction with the Computer Science is Elementary project award from the Governor's STEM Council.

 As an end-of-the-year project, they used what they learned about input and output devices in order to design and build a prototype for a robotic device. Students were creative problem solvers as they designed push button controls, touch screens, microphones and speakers, as well as moving parts of their device. They used Flipgrid to record and share videos to explain their device. 

Friday, February 12, 2021

Virtual Valentines

Franklin students put their creativity skills to work and used Buncee to created virtual valentines for their classmates. They chose backgrounds, stickers, and animations to complete their creative cards.  The valentines were shared to class Padlet "mailboxes" in time for the class parties. Padlet posts were hidden until approved just before the Valentine parties. This was a unique and fun way to keep Valentine exchanging extra safe this year.