Friday, December 10, 2021

Coding Warehouse Robots

 Third graders at Franklin got to learn about automation at a grocery warehouse during Computer Science Week. Our special guest was Fred Greiner from Fareway. Mr. Greiner explained how grocery items get to the warehouse from the factory, are stored in the warehouse, then are retrieved for orders sent to the Fareway grocery stores. 

Computer science is used in many ways in the grocery industry. Students learned how automation can make work more efficient.

Students used what they know about coding to have a Botley robot navigate a warehouse map. Students had to create the code for the Botley to stop at given locations of their warehouse. 

Then cases of grocery items could be added to the pallet to complete a grocery order. It was a fun way to connect their coding skills to an authentic use of computer science. 

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Building Circuits and Switches


Electrician Jordan Clark from Enterprise Electric was our special guest during Computer Science Week. He met with 4th grade classes and shared about the job of an electrician. 

Next, students practiced designing simple circuits, and then building switches out of ordinary materials to run their circuits. 

Mr. Clark also showed many complex types of switches: such as switches with temperature, light, or motion sensors. Our students love learning about STEM careers!  This will help build background for future learning in computer science.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Coding School Bus Routes

Following a unit in Social Studies about communities, second grade students recently extended their learning during Computer Science Week. 

Mike Kennedy came to talk about his job as transportation director of our district. He shared some of the habits and skills needed to plan efficient bus routes. Then students put their knowledge of maps of our community to use.  They used computer science skills and computational thinking to plan and code robotic "buses" along the most efficient route between schools. 

Students enjoyed coding the Beebot buses to travel between the school buildings on their "map". They practiced collaborating effectively with different roles: navigator, driver and debugger.