Thursday, November 7, 2019

Computer Science is Elementary!

Franklin students are learning to code! Using the leveled activities in, they are learning how to decompose a problem and form an algorithm by connecting coding blocks together. This involves lots of trial and error as well as collaborative problem solving in order to debug their programs. 

Thanks to the Computer Science is Elementary project award from the Governor's STEM council, Franklin students will begin receiving computer science instruction embedded into the general education classroom curriculum. Teachers will receive professional development about computer science in education and training on tools and resources for instruction.

Students can look forward to programming, robotics, and other computer science activities added to their technology time and library time specials classes. They will have access to a new set of ipads purchased with the grant funds to create with augmented reality and green screen technology. They will also create digital media projects that help build their understanding how broad the scope of computer science is becoming in our changing world!


Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Being Safe and Responsible with Technology

Boone kindergarten, first, and second grade students sign into their Google accounts by scanning QR codes called Clever badges. This provides students a secure way to access great learning tools without needing to enter usernames and passwords. Students practice early digital citizenship skills by keeping their Clever badges safe and secure, not sharing their badge with anyone, and staying on the website the teacher directs them to.

Second, third and fourth graders at Franklin practice digital citizenship skills by learning how to post appropriate online responses and communicate in an online discussion. This takes place using Google Classroom, a safe secure area for our students to practice with their teacher's guidance. Students learn to consider their audience as well as purpose for communication. They also learn the importance of creating a positive digital footprint.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Plastic Bag Upcycling

During library STEM days, Franklin fourth graders enjoyed the book One Plastic Bag. They were then challenged to design and create something from plastic shopping bags. There were many revisions and redesigns as students collaborated on the details of their projects. Many students even voluntarily missed recess to spend more time on their projects! 

They reflected on their work and shared about the process by making videos with  Flipgrid.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Programming with Botley

Boone kindergarten and first grade students are learning the basics of computer programming with Botley robots. They worked together in small groups to determine the path for Botley to travel, then laid out programming cards to represent blocks for lines of code.

Next, they entered the code into Botley's remote control and watched him go! Sometimes Botley didn't travel the way they expected and problem-solving conversations followed to get him back on the right path.  This was a fun way to practice cooperation and problem solving skills!